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- Based on the Stephen King novel, a lovable St. Bernard unknowingly contracts rabies and slowly goes mad, terrorizing a small town.
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Preview — Cujo by Stephen King
Outside a peaceful town in central Maine, a monster is waiting. Cujo is a two-hundred-pound Saint Bernard, the best friend Brett Camber has ever had. One day Cujo chases a rabbit into a bolt-hole—a cave inhabited by sick bats. What happens to Cujo, how he becomes a horrifying vortex inexorably drawing in all the people around him makes for one of the most heart-stopping no..more
Published June 6th 2006 by Plaza y Janés (first published August 1981)
To see what your friends thought of this book,please sign up.
To ask other readers questions aboutCujo,please sign up.
Popular Answered Questions
MeriemOh dear, if you want to read King's books you've got to be ready for more than swears.
Mariana SchneiderNo, Cujo is a very sweet dog until he becomes 'bad' and it shows throughout the book. There are several parts narrated on his point of view that will…moreNo, Cujo is a very sweet dog until he becomes 'bad' and it shows throughout the book. There are several parts narrated on his point of view that will make you feel sorry for him instead of hate. Makes me want to hug my dog.(less)
Best of Stephen King
136 books — 3,362 voters
Best Horror Novels
1,664 books — 5,031 voters
More lists with this book..
Rating details
Jan 08, 2013
Matthew rated it
it was amazing · review of another edition
Shelves: stephen-king, own, 2019, audio, read-more-than-once, favorites, horror
Original rating: 4 stars
Re-read rating: 5+ stars
It is great when a book is better than I remember! In fact, this may be my favorite Stephen King re-read so far.
I noticed that in general this book tends to get 3 to 3.5 star ratings. While I haven't dug too deep into why this is, if I had to guess I am thinking it is likely because most of this book is not about Cujo. There is a lot of really great extra storytelling and exposition beyond the rabid dog. And, again, this is just guessing, but I fig..more
May 20, 2014Edward Lorn rated it liked it · review of another edition
Cujo is a hard book to read. It's a short book, but there are certain scenes that just gut me. And all those sections occur in the last 25 pages of the book. The first half of this book goes by rather quickly. Then Donna and Tad get stuck out at Camber's place and I simply do not want to continue reading. The first time I read this book was after having watched the movie. Cool enough flick. Slasher film with a dog instead of a masked killer. Survivor is the woman and her son. Rock on. I don't li..more
Nov 23, 2016Dan Schwent rated it liked it
When a two hundred pound St. Bernard goes rabid, no one is safe! Who will fall to Cujo before the disease he carries finishes him off?
I'm just going to come out and say it. Most of this book feels like filler to me. I think King took what was potentially an award winning tale of terror and jammed as much padding into it as he could until it was one of his shorter novels. Basically, it's a fantastic short story wrapped in a soap opera I couldn't give two shits about.
That being said, Cujo is a rea..more
Writing a review about Cujo is a little like reminiscing about being a teenager and listening to Black Sabbath.
Trying to describe it, and to put the experience in words, reveals the cartoonish elements in stark relief. But while being read, the novel is rich with storytelling and more complex than would seem on it's surface.
And like the best of Sabbath: It rocks.
Yes, it's about a town that gets eaten by a big, rabid dog, but King is able, and with some credibility, to tell a tale of modern par..more
Aug 20, 2007
Dan rated it
it was amazing · review of another edition
Recommends it for: Dog owners and claustrophobics.
I'm guessing that many of you own or have owned a dog at some point in your life. And, i'm also guessing that you'd consider said dog to be loyal to you and part of your family. So, I ask you, can you possibly imagine what you'd do if your dog went rabid?
Pooch would lose his appetite. Start to become easily confused. Tired. His brain would melt and with that he'd forget about you. Forget the loyalty and love he held for you.
He'd feel intense pain.
In his eyes YOU would become the reason that he f..more
Apr 09, 2017Mario rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
The monster never dies.
Cujo was a book I thought I was going to like, but not be scared of it (I mean, how scary can a rabid dog be, really?), but boy was I wrong with the second statement! This book did scare me. It still does when I think about it. It even reminded me of Pet Sematary which is my favorite King's book, and that says quite a lot.
Cujo is a story about a Saint Bernard dog who one day chased a rabbit into a bolt-hole. The problem was that the hole was filled with rabid bats, and..more
Jan 28, 2019Erin rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
Wow! That ending was a real gut punch. Stephen King usually doesn't do that but...
Holy Shit!
Cujo was written while Stephen King was in the depths of his alcoholism. Uncle Stevie doesn't even remember writing it and if you think about it he didn't write it his alcoholism did. Like Cujo, alcoholism is rabid dog that will stop at nothing in its mission to kill you. Like Cujo alcoholism is unrelenting and scary. Cujo is written almost stream of conscious there are no chapters.
I didn't expect t..more
Sep 12, 2019Kerri rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
I think this is one of those books that's so well known and so frequently referenced that it's hard not to have some idea of the general story-- a rabid dog traps a woman and her kid in a car. It's a great idea. But there's so much more to it than that. For one thing, there's more going on with Cujo than having rabies. This book is set in Castle Rock, so it's never 'just' rabies.
I had a quick scroll through some reviews just now and it's seems quite a few people feel like there is a lot of fill..more
Jul 27, 2017Helene Jeppesen rated it really liked it · review of another edition
If you're looking for a creepy read, this is it. 'Cujo' was written during a time in which Stephen King was doing drugs, and it was exactly for that reason that I wanted to read it.
Cujo is a cute, however big, St. Bernhards dog, who one day gets bitten by a rabid bat. This incidence turns Cujo into monster who longs for food and no one can feel safe around this formerly beloved dog.
The scenes with Cujo were nerve-wracking, but what I loved the most about this novel were the characters which we..more
Oct 24, 2016
Christy rated it
really liked itRecommends it for: Those who need to remember to love on their big dogs!
Shelves: adultery, horrific, rabid-dog, gut-wrenching-page-turner
4.5* New movie version currently in production!
This book was so well written, the characters completely fleshed out, that it's very hard to believe King wrote this book so drunk that he doesn't even remember writing it! Wow! And to then win the British Fantasy Award..and (two!) movies. All I ever seemed to do when I was drunk was trash the house..and worse--hurt those who loved me closest (which is why, like King, I gave the stuff up over a year ago).
What a complete page turner--very hard to..more
May 22, 2018RedemptionDenied marked it as to-read
Goddammit!! This is currently on offer: £1.99p in the UK, $1.99 in the US (I think - it's showing as $2.68 - probably because of the exchange rate). It's the same price for: Lisey's Story, Insomnia, 11.22.63 and Hearts in Atlantis, too!
Cujo is a good dog. He would do anything for his man, his woman and his boy. He would even die for them if it came to that. But when Cujo goes messing around and contracts the terrible disease rabies, he turns into a completely different dog. A dog that Donna and her son are about to meet face-to-face.
This is a very sad cautionary tale. Above all things that I say in this review, I pray that you take this one thing with you.. PLEASE VACCINATE YOUR ANIMALS!! With that out of the way..more
Feb 13, 2019Jo (The Bookish pianist) rated it really liked it · review of another edition
Well, I can probably now clarify, that I'm a member of the Stephen King fan club. I literally devoured this book in a couple of days. If it wasn't for real life, I could have read it in one sitting. This book is a terrifying mind-fuck. Terrifying in the sense that the events that pan out in this story, in reality, they could all actually happen. There was nothing supernatural about this, it was all very real. Apparently Stephen King wrote this novel at the very height of his alcoholism, and it c..more
Feb 24, 2019
Rebecca McNutt rated it
liked it · review of another edition
Shelves: horror, fiction, dog, animal-stories, thriller, maine
Having read this book years ago in the 7th grade (and told by my science teacher not to bring it to school anymore because the front cover artwork 'gave her the willies'), I'm no stranger to Cujo. I'd also seen the film when I was ten years old. I guess back then I never really appreciated it. I thought it was silly.. I still think it's a little silly.. and definitely not one of King's better works. The book itself is quite random and vulgar with no real rhyme or reason to it, and I've heard t..more
Sep 20, 2011Nandakishore Varma rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
Even though I don't think it will spoil your reading experience, I have to warn you that there are mild spoilers ahead.
I wrote in my review of The Shining that it was the scariest book that I ever read. Well, that may be, but there the horror ended when I closed the book.
With Cujo, it started then..
Every child is afraid of the monster that creeps upon him when the lights are out in the bedroom and mom and dad are safely ensconced in their..more
Jan 30, 2014Sadie Hartmann Mother Horror rated it did not like it · review of another edition
Oh Cujo.
I hated every moment of this book--wrestling with picking it up and putting it down over and over again. It took me a whole month to read despite it's slim size. At just over 300 pages, this is one of King's most trimmed down and edited books in terms of the storyline.
I was a freshman in high school when I first picked it up. My mom said to me, 'Oh, Cujo? I don't think you'll like that one.'
Meh. I probably shrugged and carried it off to my messy room anyways. That cover!
I honestly think..more
Nov 10, 2009Mike (the Paladin) rated it did not like it
I thought about just leaving that one word as my review. Or maybe adding 'nuff said' as they used to say in Marvel Comics when I was 'younger'. I thought maybe though you'd like more.
I hate it. This is one of those books I can't say enough about..enough bad that is. You like being depressed? You like looking for the worst? Your real life doesn't have enough CRAP happening in it so you want to add more??? Well, then you've found it. If you are the kind of person who says that novels should..more
This book is terrifying. More so because the important events in the story could all actually happen. They are real possibilities. This story would not work in today’s age of cell phones and constant communication, but for anyone with a memory of the way things used to be, it reads as all too possible. On a personal note, I have always kept a small box of water bottles and snacks in my car since learning to drive because of THIS book.
Any true King fan knows how he loves to tie his novels togethe..more
Jun 07, 2016Paula rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
Cujo gets bitten by a rabid bat and the big friendly lovable Saint Bernard turns into a murderous beast. I really enjoyed this one a lot. I loved that Cujo's point of view was included. I couldn't help but feel for Cujo with all that happened to him due to circumstances beyond his control. I liked the small town setting of Castle Rock, Maine. The story was very atmospheric with an underlying tone of dread and apprehension throughout. Exciting, engrossing, bleak, sad, and very enjoyable.
May 21, 2017Bill rated it it was amazing
All hail the King.
Since giving Empire Falls five huge stars back in March, I have had seven, count 'em, SEVEN DNFs out of the past 10 books I've started since then.
This was really starting to worry me. Was it possible that Empire Falls had such a hold on me that it would be impossible for anything else to hold my interest just because it wasn't that novel?
In exasperation, it was back to the Stephen King well, dipping back into those early ones I had never gotten to. I grabbed Cujo with mild rese..more
This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, click here.
Nov 26, 2013
Sh3lly rated it
liked it · review of another edition
Shelves: 3-stars, read-2014, thriller-suspense, horror, read-more-than-once
I guess I'll stick with my original 3-star rating. This almost feels like it should have been a novella. There isn't quite enough meat here for a full-length novel. By the end, I just wanted it over and stopped caring about the switches back and forth between town members who weren't even in town during Cujo's rabid attacks (but are partially indirectly responsible).
However, Stephen King is really good about keeping you interested in various types of gray characters. Some of them are just cut an..more
Sep 14, 2007Zack rated it it was ok
Damn this is not what everyone said it would be! I appreciate good suspense, but trust me, after 50 pages in that frickin' car, you get pretty bored.
It started out awesomely, with Cujo getting bit and going slowly rabid. He kills a few, and then I said, 'Yes! Here comes the good part!' but that was the end of the good part. It became such a boring book, it was hard to get through.
The sideplots were lacking, especially the cereal crap. I was sick of business. Where's the suspense? I could've pick..more
Aug 27, 2016Cody codysbookshelf rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
Of Stephen King's novels, this is probably the most difficult one for me to read. It's well-written, don't get me wrong -- the prose here is absolutely gorgeous, among King's most direct and poetic -- but it is so bleak. There is nary a light in the tunnel. Instead, this novel is King's way of shrugging his shoulders and saying 'stuff happens.' Like Roadwork before it, Cujo's gritty realism can yield fascinating results, but the journey is absolutely gut-wrenching.
What makes Cujo so fascinating..more
Apr 20, 2018Patricio rated it really liked it · review of another edition
«But in high school the business of irrevocable choices began. Doors slipped shut with a faint locking click that was only heared clearly in the dreams of later years.»
People who haven't read Cujo probably only know about the mad murdering dog premise, but Cujo is actually more than that.
This is a peculiar King's novel because the horror doesn't come plainly from demons or any other supernatural element nor from the Saint Bernard (only partially), but from the human mind.
The narrative switches..more
Nov 29, 2018AudioBookLover rated it liked it · review of another edition
I really liked this story but I didn't think it was as good as Pet Semetery. Most Stephen King books have great audiobook readers but the woman who read this one wasn't very appropriate for the book. She is an old woman that sounded like a witch. If this book was about old people or witches she may have fit in but it wasn't about either so it did work.
Story ****
Overall ***
Jul 06, 2016Tobin Elliott rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
Wow, wow, wow.
I haven't actually gone back and read this since the Saturday after it was first published. That's when I went down to the local bookstore, bought it, dragged it home and devoured it in a single sitting.
It appears I may have gulped a bit too fast on this one the last time. Or maybe it's because I'm a parent now, and a dog owner. Maybe that long-promised, often-scoffed-at maturity has somehow settled into these bones. All I can say is, this time, this book knocked the shit out o..more
Oct 03, 2017J.K. Grice rated it really liked it · review of another edition
Obviously CUJO is classified as horror, but this book is more of an excellent character study to me. A lot of the novel is about human interaction and relationships.
Dec 01, 2011Stepheny rated it really liked it · review of another edition
Stephen King never lets me down. Everything he writes just works for me. Cujo was no different. This book scared the bejesus out of me, mostly due to the chances of it happening. Granted, in today’s world with smart phones and nosy neighbors and everyone living on top of one another, it is less likely for it to happen… but it could happen…
Every single character in this book is a victim. Every. One. How does that happen? How is no one the hero? Or the winner? Everyone lost in this book. Even Cujo..more
Aug 20, 2018Mollie Connelly-MacNeill rated it it was amazing
Cujo Free Pdf Download
A fantastic book about fear in its many forms. My expectations were way exceeded by this book. The tension is perfect.
topics | posts | views | last activity |
Stephen King 2019..:February already? Shortish book it is. | 3 | 16 | Feb 15, 2019 06:57AM |
Stephen King Fans:Cujo - book 12 | 81 | 111 | Feb 05, 2019 10:33PM |
Goodreads Librari..:Please add the total page number | 2 | 14 | Dec 07, 2018 01:48AM |
Goodreads Librari..:Alternative cover for same ISBN | 2 | 17 | Oct 17, 2018 12:22AM |
Goodreads Librari..:Format | 6 | 15 | Sep 16, 2018 08:50PM |
Wrong Number of Pages | 2 | 16 | May 14, 2018 03:37PM |
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Stephen Edwin King was born the second son of Donald and Nellie Ruth Pillsbury King. After his father left them when Stephen was two, he and his older brother, David, were raised by his mother. Parts of his childhood were spent in Fort Wayne, Indiana, where his father's family was at the time, and in Stratford, Connecticut. When Stephen was eleven, his mother brought her children back to Durham, M..more
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“The monster nevers dies.” — 64 likes
“We'll just have to get along. That's what people do, you know? They just get along. And try to help each other.” — 38 likes
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We’d love your help. Let us know what’s wrong with this preview of Cujo by Stephen King.
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Preview — Cujo by Stephen King
Outside a peaceful town in central Maine, a monster is waiting. Cujo is a two-hundred-pound Saint Bernard, the best friend Brett Camber has ever had. One day Cujo chases a rabbit into a bolt-hole—a cave inhabited by sick bats. What happens to Cujo, how he becomes a horrifying vortex inexorably drawing in all the people around him makes for one of the most heart-stopping no..more
Published June 6th 2006 by Plaza y Janés (first published August 1981)
To see what your friends thought of this book,please sign up.
To ask other readers questions aboutCujo,please sign up.
Popular Answered Questions
MeriemOh dear, if you want to read King's books you've got to be ready for more than swears.
Mariana SchneiderNo, Cujo is a very sweet dog until he becomes 'bad' and it shows throughout the book. There are several parts narrated on his point of view that will…moreNo, Cujo is a very sweet dog until he becomes 'bad' and it shows throughout the book. There are several parts narrated on his point of view that will make you feel sorry for him instead of hate. Makes me want to hug my dog.(less)
Best of Stephen King
136 books — 3,362 voters
Best Horror Novels
1,664 books — 5,031 voters
More lists with this book..
Rating details
Jan 08, 2013
Matthew rated it
it was amazing · review of another edition
Shelves: stephen-king, own, 2019, audio, read-more-than-once, favorites, horror
Original rating: 4 stars
Re-read rating: 5+ stars
It is great when a book is better than I remember! In fact, this may be my favorite Stephen King re-read so far.
I noticed that in general this book tends to get 3 to 3.5 star ratings. While I haven't dug too deep into why this is, if I had to guess I am thinking it is likely because most of this book is not about Cujo. There is a lot of really great extra storytelling and exposition beyond the rabid dog. And, again, this is just guessing, but I fig..more
May 20, 2014Edward Lorn rated it liked it · review of another edition
Cujo is a hard book to read. It's a short book, but there are certain scenes that just gut me. And all those sections occur in the last 25 pages of the book. The first half of this book goes by rather quickly. Then Donna and Tad get stuck out at Camber's place and I simply do not want to continue reading. The first time I read this book was after having watched the movie. Cool enough flick. Slasher film with a dog instead of a masked killer. Survivor is the woman and her son. Rock on. I don't li..more
Nov 23, 2016Dan Schwent rated it liked it
When a two hundred pound St. Bernard goes rabid, no one is safe! Who will fall to Cujo before the disease he carries finishes him off?
I'm just going to come out and say it. Most of this book feels like filler to me. I think King took what was potentially an award winning tale of terror and jammed as much padding into it as he could until it was one of his shorter novels. Basically, it's a fantastic short story wrapped in a soap opera I couldn't give two shits about.
That being said, Cujo is a rea..more
Writing a review about Cujo is a little like reminiscing about being a teenager and listening to Black Sabbath.
Trying to describe it, and to put the experience in words, reveals the cartoonish elements in stark relief. But while being read, the novel is rich with storytelling and more complex than would seem on it's surface.
And like the best of Sabbath: It rocks.
Yes, it's about a town that gets eaten by a big, rabid dog, but King is able, and with some credibility, to tell a tale of modern par..more
Aug 20, 2007
Dan rated it
it was amazing · review of another edition
Recommends it for: Dog owners and claustrophobics.
I'm guessing that many of you own or have owned a dog at some point in your life. And, i'm also guessing that you'd consider said dog to be loyal to you and part of your family. So, I ask you, can you possibly imagine what you'd do if your dog went rabid?
Pooch would lose his appetite. Start to become easily confused. Tired. His brain would melt and with that he'd forget about you. Forget the loyalty and love he held for you.
He'd feel intense pain.
In his eyes YOU would become the reason that he f..more
Apr 09, 2017Mario rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
The monster never dies.
Cujo was a book I thought I was going to like, but not be scared of it (I mean, how scary can a rabid dog be, really?), but boy was I wrong with the second statement! This book did scare me. It still does when I think about it. It even reminded me of Pet Sematary which is my favorite King's book, and that says quite a lot.
Cujo is a story about a Saint Bernard dog who one day chased a rabbit into a bolt-hole. The problem was that the hole was filled with rabid bats, and..more
Jan 28, 2019Erin rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
Wow! That ending was a real gut punch. Stephen King usually doesn't do that but...
Holy Shit!
Cujo was written while Stephen King was in the depths of his alcoholism. Uncle Stevie doesn't even remember writing it and if you think about it he didn't write it his alcoholism did. Like Cujo, alcoholism is rabid dog that will stop at nothing in its mission to kill you. Like Cujo alcoholism is unrelenting and scary. Cujo is written almost stream of conscious there are no chapters.
I didn't expect t..more
Sep 12, 2019Kerri rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
I think this is one of those books that's so well known and so frequently referenced that it's hard not to have some idea of the general story-- a rabid dog traps a woman and her kid in a car. It's a great idea. But there's so much more to it than that. For one thing, there's more going on with Cujo than having rabies. This book is set in Castle Rock, so it's never 'just' rabies.
I had a quick scroll through some reviews just now and it's seems quite a few people feel like there is a lot of fill..more
Jul 27, 2017Helene Jeppesen rated it really liked it · review of another edition
If you're looking for a creepy read, this is it. 'Cujo' was written during a time in which Stephen King was doing drugs, and it was exactly for that reason that I wanted to read it.
Cujo is a cute, however big, St. Bernhards dog, who one day gets bitten by a rabid bat. This incidence turns Cujo into monster who longs for food and no one can feel safe around this formerly beloved dog.
The scenes with Cujo were nerve-wracking, but what I loved the most about this novel were the characters which we..more
Oct 24, 2016
Christy rated it
really liked itRecommends it for: Those who need to remember to love on their big dogs!
Shelves: adultery, horrific, rabid-dog, gut-wrenching-page-turner
4.5* New movie version currently in production!
This book was so well written, the characters completely fleshed out, that it's very hard to believe King wrote this book so drunk that he doesn't even remember writing it! Wow! And to then win the British Fantasy Award..and (two!) movies. All I ever seemed to do when I was drunk was trash the house..and worse--hurt those who loved me closest (which is why, like King, I gave the stuff up over a year ago).
What a complete page turner--very hard to..more
May 22, 2018RedemptionDenied marked it as to-read
Free Pdf Download
Goddammit!! This is currently on offer: £1.99p in the UK, $1.99 in the US (I think - it's showing as $2.68 - probably because of the exchange rate). It's the same price for: Lisey's Story, Insomnia, 11.22.63 and Hearts in Atlantis, too!
Cujo is a good dog. He would do anything for his man, his woman and his boy. He would even die for them if it came to that. But when Cujo goes messing around and contracts the terrible disease rabies, he turns into a completely different dog. A dog that Donna and her son are about to meet face-to-face.
This is a very sad cautionary tale. Above all things that I say in this review, I pray that you take this one thing with you.. PLEASE VACCINATE YOUR ANIMALS!! With that out of the way..more
Feb 13, 2019Jo (The Bookish pianist) rated it really liked it · review of another edition
Pdf Cujo Stephen King English
Well, I can probably now clarify, that I'm a member of the Stephen King fan club. I literally devoured this book in a couple of days. If it wasn't for real life, I could have read it in one sitting. This book is a terrifying mind-fuck. Terrifying in the sense that the events that pan out in this story, in reality, they could all actually happen. There was nothing supernatural about this, it was all very real. Apparently Stephen King wrote this novel at the very height of his alcoholism, and it c..more
Feb 24, 2019
Read Cujo Online Free
Rebecca McNutt rated it
liked it · review of another edition
Shelves: horror, fiction, dog, animal-stories, thriller, maine
Having read this book years ago in the 7th grade (and told by my science teacher not to bring it to school anymore because the front cover artwork 'gave her the willies'), I'm no stranger to Cujo. I'd also seen the film when I was ten years old. I guess back then I never really appreciated it. I thought it was silly.. I still think it's a little silly.. and definitely not one of King's better works. The book itself is quite random and vulgar with no real rhyme or reason to it, and I've heard t..more
Sep 20, 2011Nandakishore Varma rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
Even though I don't think it will spoil your reading experience, I have to warn you that there are mild spoilers ahead.
I wrote in my review of The Shining that it was the scariest book that I ever read. Well, that may be, but there the horror ended when I closed the book.
With Cujo, it started then..
Every child is afraid of the monster that creeps upon him when the lights are out in the bedroom and mom and dad are safely ensconced in their..more
Jan 30, 2014Sadie Hartmann Mother Horror rated it did not like it · review of another edition
Oh Cujo.
I hated every moment of this book--wrestling with picking it up and putting it down over and over again. It took me a whole month to read despite it's slim size. At just over 300 pages, this is one of King's most trimmed down and edited books in terms of the storyline.
I was a freshman in high school when I first picked it up. My mom said to me, 'Oh, Cujo? I don't think you'll like that one.'
Meh. I probably shrugged and carried it off to my messy room anyways. That cover!
I honestly think..more
Nov 10, 2009Mike (the Paladin) rated it did not like it
I thought about just leaving that one word as my review. Or maybe adding 'nuff said' as they used to say in Marvel Comics when I was 'younger'. I thought maybe though you'd like more.
I hate it. This is one of those books I can't say enough about..enough bad that is. You like being depressed? You like looking for the worst? Your real life doesn't have enough CRAP happening in it so you want to add more??? Well, then you've found it. If you are the kind of person who says that novels should..more
This book is terrifying. More so because the important events in the story could all actually happen. They are real possibilities. This story would not work in today’s age of cell phones and constant communication, but for anyone with a memory of the way things used to be, it reads as all too possible. On a personal note, I have always kept a small box of water bottles and snacks in my car since learning to drive because of THIS book.
Any true King fan knows how he loves to tie his novels togethe..more
Jun 07, 2016Paula rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
Cujo gets bitten by a rabid bat and the big friendly lovable Saint Bernard turns into a murderous beast. I really enjoyed this one a lot. I loved that Cujo's point of view was included. I couldn't help but feel for Cujo with all that happened to him due to circumstances beyond his control. I liked the small town setting of Castle Rock, Maine. The story was very atmospheric with an underlying tone of dread and apprehension throughout. Exciting, engrossing, bleak, sad, and very enjoyable.
May 21, 2017Bill rated it it was amazing
All hail the King.
Since giving Empire Falls five huge stars back in March, I have had seven, count 'em, SEVEN DNFs out of the past 10 books I've started since then.
This was really starting to worry me. Was it possible that Empire Falls had such a hold on me that it would be impossible for anything else to hold my interest just because it wasn't that novel?
In exasperation, it was back to the Stephen King well, dipping back into those early ones I had never gotten to. I grabbed Cujo with mild rese..more
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Nov 26, 2013
Sh3lly rated it
liked it · review of another edition
Shelves: 3-stars, read-2014, thriller-suspense, horror, read-more-than-once
I guess I'll stick with my original 3-star rating. This almost feels like it should have been a novella. There isn't quite enough meat here for a full-length novel. By the end, I just wanted it over and stopped caring about the switches back and forth between town members who weren't even in town during Cujo's rabid attacks (but are partially indirectly responsible).
However, Stephen King is really good about keeping you interested in various types of gray characters. Some of them are just cut an..more
Sep 14, 2007Zack rated it it was ok
Damn this is not what everyone said it would be! I appreciate good suspense, but trust me, after 50 pages in that frickin' car, you get pretty bored.
It started out awesomely, with Cujo getting bit and going slowly rabid. He kills a few, and then I said, 'Yes! Here comes the good part!' but that was the end of the good part. It became such a boring book, it was hard to get through.
The sideplots were lacking, especially the cereal crap. I was sick of business. Where's the suspense? I could've pick..more
Aug 27, 2016Cody codysbookshelf rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
Of Stephen King's novels, this is probably the most difficult one for me to read. It's well-written, don't get me wrong -- the prose here is absolutely gorgeous, among King's most direct and poetic -- but it is so bleak. There is nary a light in the tunnel. Instead, this novel is King's way of shrugging his shoulders and saying 'stuff happens.' Like Roadwork before it, Cujo's gritty realism can yield fascinating results, but the journey is absolutely gut-wrenching.
What makes Cujo so fascinating..more
Apr 20, 2018Patricio rated it really liked it · review of another edition
«But in high school the business of irrevocable choices began. Doors slipped shut with a faint locking click that was only heared clearly in the dreams of later years.»
People who haven't read Cujo probably only know about the mad murdering dog premise, but Cujo is actually more than that.
This is a peculiar King's novel because the horror doesn't come plainly from demons or any other supernatural element nor from the Saint Bernard (only partially), but from the human mind.
The narrative switches..more
Nov 29, 2018AudioBookLover rated it liked it · review of another edition
I really liked this story but I didn't think it was as good as Pet Semetery. Most Stephen King books have great audiobook readers but the woman who read this one wasn't very appropriate for the book. She is an old woman that sounded like a witch. If this book was about old people or witches she may have fit in but it wasn't about either so it did work.
Story ****
Overall ***
Jul 06, 2016Tobin Elliott rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
Wow, wow, wow.
I haven't actually gone back and read this since the Saturday after it was first published. That's when I went down to the local bookstore, bought it, dragged it home and devoured it in a single sitting.
It appears I may have gulped a bit too fast on this one the last time. Or maybe it's because I'm a parent now, and a dog owner. Maybe that long-promised, often-scoffed-at maturity has somehow settled into these bones. All I can say is, this time, this book knocked the shit out o..more
Oct 03, 2017J.K. Grice rated it really liked it · review of another edition
Obviously CUJO is classified as horror, but this book is more of an excellent character study to me. A lot of the novel is about human interaction and relationships.
Dec 01, 2011Stepheny rated it really liked it · review of another edition
Stephen King never lets me down. Everything he writes just works for me. Cujo was no different. This book scared the bejesus out of me, mostly due to the chances of it happening. Granted, in today’s world with smart phones and nosy neighbors and everyone living on top of one another, it is less likely for it to happen… but it could happen…
Every single character in this book is a victim. Every. One. How does that happen? How is no one the hero? Or the winner? Everyone lost in this book. Even Cujo..more
Aug 20, 2018Mollie Connelly-MacNeill rated it it was amazing

A fantastic book about fear in its many forms. My expectations were way exceeded by this book. The tension is perfect.
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Stephen King 2019..:February already? Shortish book it is. | 3 | 16 | Feb 15, 2019 06:57AM |
Stephen King Fans:Cujo - book 12 | 81 | 111 | Feb 05, 2019 10:33PM |
Goodreads Librari..:Please add the total page number | 2 | 14 | Dec 07, 2018 01:48AM |
Goodreads Librari..:Alternative cover for same ISBN | 2 | 17 | Oct 17, 2018 12:22AM |
Goodreads Librari..:Format | 6 | 15 | Sep 16, 2018 08:50PM |
Wrong Number of Pages | 2 | 16 | May 14, 2018 03:37PM |
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Stephen Edwin King was born the second son of Donald and Nellie Ruth Pillsbury King. After his father left them when Stephen was two, he and his older brother, David, were raised by his mother. Parts of his childhood were spent in Fort Wayne, Indiana, where his father's family was at the time, and in Stratford, Connecticut. When Stephen was eleven, his mother brought her children back to Durham, M..more
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