The Goodly Spellbook book. Read 12 reviews from the world's largest community for readers. Here is the thoroughly comprehensive, absolutely definitive gu. The Paperback of the The Goodly Spellbook: Olde Spells for Modern Problems by Lady Passion,.Diuvei at Barnes & Noble. FREE Shipping on $35.0 or Membership Educators Gift Cards Stores & Events Help.
- Ancient Book Of Spells Pdf
- The Goodly Spellbook Pdf 2017
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The Goodly Spellbook: Olde Spells for Modern Problems. Dixie Deerman, Author, Steve Rasmussen, Author Sterling Publishing (NY) $ (p) ISBN. 17 Jun Listing of spells in The Goodly Spellbook, and its table of contents. 2 Sep The Paperback of the The Goodly Spellbook: Olde Spells for Modern Problems by Lady Passion,.Diuvei at Barnes & Noble. The goodly spellbook. The Goodly Spellbook: Olde Spells for Modern Problems by Dixie Deerman. The content is balanced and well the goodly spellbook providing a blend of historical data and spellwork that any serious witch can understand and connect with. “The Goodly Spellbook powerfully expresses the beauty, joy and potency of spellcraft. Lady Passion and.Diuvei have lovingly crafted an elegant, eclectic and wide-ranging collection of traditional and modern spells. With information for novice and adept alike, The Goodly Spellbook is a valuable addition to any magical library.”. Aug 02, 2018 PDF Goodly Spellbook, The by High Priestess Lady Passion Full E-Books^ 1. Goodly Spellbook, The 2. DESCRIPTION This is not your average mystical tome, but a special spellbook by two practicing witches. Here is the thoroughly comprehensive, absolutely definitive guide to spells-the basic handbook for anyone looking to practice some hands-on magic.
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Preview — The Goodly Spellbook by Dixie Deerman
Here is the thoroughly comprehensive, absolutely definitive guide to spells—the basic handbook for anyone looking to practice some hands-on magic. Delightfully well-written and practical, filled with atmospheric illustrations and diagrams throughout, it encompasses all the principles and philosophy of spell casting, and gives recipes for charms to solve common contemporary..more
Published March 4th 2008 by Sterling (first published September 1st 2005)
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Books for the Modern Witch
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Ancient Book Of Spells Pdf
Due to the size and type of content that this book has, it was a pretty large struggle for me to get through it. I can tell that this book was made to be a textbook of magic, not just of spells. But like other textbooks, some of the content of the book is not appropriate nor accurate (either because it never was or recent discoveries have changed information).
Before I get into the review, there should be a warning here. I could not review some of the content of the book for accuracy or for prac..more
I have known Lady Passion and *Diuvei for 8 years and I can say with all honesty that they are two of the most kind and generous people I have ever met. They wrote this book together and it is an outstanding book that they poured their hearts and souls into. I have bought multiple copies of this book for myself and as gifts for friends and family. The spells are easy to read and understand and I especially liked the barbarous words of power section. There is no left hand aspects to this book, so..more
Sep 05, 2015Amor D'alesandro rated it it was amazing
This was my introductory book to witchcraft, and I think it served very well for that purpose. Its a good survey course for gardnerian-wicca and Stregheria tradition craft, and helps keep a novice reader/practitioner's mind open to interpretating and tailoring the spells to fit their own style of craft. Would give (and did give, actually,) to a beginner witch!
A very clear and concisely written book about the history and practice of a much misunderstood spiritual tradition. Excellent as an introductory read, though does contain some historical inaccuracies, a dash of cultural appropriation and heavy on personal opinion being thrown about. Should be approached with an open mind.
An amazing study and one that I will refer to again and again. It is organized well and gives a good basis of magical theory and options for each spell. TONS of uses! I rarely give five stars..but I gladly give them to this one!
May 17, 2017Jessica rated it liked it · review of another edition
The Goodly Spellbook Pdf 2017
A very good, progressive and well-researched text. While it doesn't make its Wiccan alignment obvious from the start, it quickly becomes so. However, the links to practices from other faiths shows it is an adaptable text for other Pagans.

May 02, 2018Gina rated it it was ok · review of another edition
I originally really enjoyed this book, finding it a good primer and insightful to a new learner. However, certain elements didn’t sit well with me. Some other reviews here illuminated why (sexism, racism, heteronormativity and transphobia). I also found the spells impractical compared to what I see my modern witch and pagan friends learning. Perhaps if it was advertised as just a historical text I might have liked it a little more. But I’m sad after asking a friend for a queer-friendly book on w..more
Jun 19, 2012Katherine rated it it was ok · review of another edition
I find this book complicated and trying too hard. 'Lady Passion' leads us through her book like a blind man through a cave. She may be a great sorceress, but she is expecting you to already know what you are doing. There is no hand-holding for beginning practitioners and she does specify that it is a book to be used by advanced witches. However, I find the spell and craft work to be excellent, with explanations, where to find ingredients, and how the spell turned out for her.
May 05, 2011Ruby Hollyberry rated it liked it · review of another edition
This is impressive and thorough. However, I have not found it of a great deal of use because the approach to witchcraft is very explicitly Gardnerian and anti-Robert Cochrane. I am very much the Robert&assortedNigels type of shamanic witch today, and almost none of the Wicca I studied as a teenager has stuck with me.
Feb 11, 2010Ruby Hollyberry rated it liked it
Very comprehensive, well-thought-out system that really hangs together. Of somewhat limited use to me because of its 'more Gardnerian than the Gardnerians' style and symbolism. Useful, certainly, but not inspirational. Probably if you are strongly Wiccan, it would be a treasure trove. My witchcraft is definitely a different brand, so I have to heavily change around anything I use from here.
There's some very good reference here.
I give up at 1/3 of the book. It just too ong and bit of bore. But most of the time it is useful. Some spell work fine.
Rebecca Shake rated it really liked it
Oct 23, 2017
Cetta Hartman rated it really liked it
Nov 13, 2007
Shelby Townley rated it really liked it
Feb 01, 2018
Krystal Michele rated it really liked it
Feb 14, 2012
Sami McAlpine rated it really liked it
Jul 12, 2017
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