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A Letter of Intent, also sometimes called a Letter of Understanding, is a written document in letter form that is sent by a party looking to build a final contract.The letter is sent to the other potential contract party and it usually contains the bare bones of the agreement between the parties.

Changing careers to seek higher positions and to see oneself grow sometimes require people to decide to leave something behind that has been part of them. Upon leaving one’s employer or company, employees need to bid goodbye to them first and tell them about their plans for the future. To formally do this, employees tender their resignation letters, which state their reason for leaving.

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It is important for employees to always be polite and professional when writing their resignation letters as this will affect their record in the company that they will be leaving. It may also be used against them or it may be used in their favor depending on how it is written. Educate yourselves about resignation letters by checking out the sample resignation letters in this article together with some useful information.

Appreciative Internship Resignation Letter

Immediate Resignation Letter

Director Resignation Letter

Account Executive Resignation Letter

Polite Resignation Letter Sample

Internship Resignation Letter Template

Restaurant Manager Resignation Letter Sample

What Is a Resignation Letter?

Free Letter Template For Bulletin Board

A resignation letter is a formal letter that an employee hands to their manager or employer to formally advice them that they are leaving their position in the company. A resignation letter makes it possible for the employee to maintain a positive relationship with the company or with their employer even when they are leaving for good. The resignation letter being submitted should include the reason why the employee is leaving and the exact date that the resignation will take effect. As much as possible, it is important that employees provide a notice period that is from two weeks up to one month. The notice period being provided will allow or give the manager or employer enough time to prepare and look for the employee’s replacement.

Why Do We Write a Resignation?

Keeping a good track record regardless if you will be staying or leaving the company is the best practice for every employee. Writing a resignation letter to formally announce that one is leaving is the best way to do so. More often than not, employees are afraid to provide a resignation letter for fear of being stopped by their managers or employers. There are also those who don’t have any acceptable reason, and some who have been missing work for some time just decided to quit right then and there. This is not something to be practiced as everything you do in the company gets recorded. When it’s time for you to show your experience and provide your previous employer’s details, it would be hard for you to show proof because you did not maintain a good and positive relationship with them. In addition, you also wouldn’t want to provide the details of your employer whom you have made a bad record for yourself.

Resignation letters are useful tools. It may just be taken for granted by a lot of employees because they don’t know how important it is. This should not be an excuse for not knowing anything about it and it is also not something being tolerated by a lot of companies and employers.

Thankful Resignation Letter

Marketing Coordinator Resignation Letter Sample

Job Resignation Letter Template

One-Page Resignation Letter Template

Short Internship Resignation Letter

Simple Resignation Letter

Simple Two Weeks Resignation Letter

What Are the Common Reasons for Resigning?

Everything happens for a reason and people make such decisions for some reasons. A resignation letter is born when an employee decides to leave their position in a company. There are loads of reasons and they vary from person to person. In this part of the article, we will be exploring the many possible reasons why employees resign from from their jobs.

  • Poor Management – Employees get affected when the management in the company is not doing their jobs right. Sometimes the stress from poor management gets passed on to the employees to the point that they no longer see themselves staying in the company for a long time.
  • Illness – People work to be able to earn a living and take care of themselves. But when that work becomes the reason for their illness, there is no longer a reason for the employee to stay. There are some employees who are sickly to begin with and the workload is making them even sicker. Because of that they are advised by their doctors to quit and rest, or they find a new job that is less stressful.
  • Going Back to School – This reason is common among fresh graduates and those employees seeking career growth. Having a master’s or doctor’s degree will surely raise them up to promotion or land them a higher position in another company.
  • New Opportunities – Some employees are taking advantage of new establishments and companies as this will help them climb up to higher ranks faster than if they stay in the same company with a lot of tenured employees.
  • Career Growth – Being able to grow and become a better version of oneself is a need that every person should fulfill to be able to reach their goals in life. Employees tend to resign from their jobs to seek career growth in another company with a higher position and with a new outlook in life.
  • Change Career Path – While some people land the job that they wanted, others take chances on jobs that are different from what they really want while waiting for their chance. Change in career path is also one of the reasons why most employees leave, even those already in high-ranking positions.
  • Different Work Environment – There are employees who just wish to have a change of work environment after working with their current employees for sometime. They may not find the work environment appealing anymore, or they may have this planned from the start.
  • Work Hours – We tend to accept jobs even if we disagree with the working conditions and the work hours. Work hours are one of the things that a lot of people consider before they apply or sign up for the job. This is also the reason why, if the work hours change or becomes unfavorable on their part, they also decide to resign.
  • Employee Disputes – There will always be disagreements in every company. These disagreements can cause arguments and disputes among the employees. If the disputes get unresolved, the workplace would become an uncomfortable and unhappy place to stay leading the employees to resign.
  • No Future with Current Company – Employees don’t find a point staying in a company where they don’t see their future change or if they can’t seem to see themselves staying with the company in the future.
  • Work Related Stress – If employees get so stressed out with work, and that becomes unbearable and unhealthy, many of them decide to resign.
  • Salary -The number one motivation of every employee is the salary. For a lot of employees, having a great salary is the best criteria for seeking employment. Some employees think that they are being overworked but underpaid, that is why they decide to resign. There are also those employees who are able to get a better offer from another company resulting in their decision to leave.
  • Location – We always want to work somewhere convenient and near where we live. So when employees find a job close to them, they would grab the chance and resign.
  • Employees Feel Underappreciated – People in particular constantly want to feel appreciated. Employees also want to be appreciated, that is why they do the best that they can in performing their jobs. If an employer fails to have this realized, then they will have their employees resigning one after the other.
  • Moving Abroad – A lot of people dream of living and working abroad, especially if the working conditions in that country are better and more favorable for them than what they currently have. Some employees would look for opportunities abroad while still employed with their current employer and resign when they have found that opportunity.
  • Starting A Family – There is always that one problem where couples ask each other who will look after the kids and the family. Traditionally, the ladies would give up their jobs to become housewives when they start their own family. They take care of the family while the husband works to provide for the family. This is not always the case nowadays as the people are more practical and think practically. Whoever earns better in the family can continue working and the other will look after the kids.
  • Starting Own Business – There are just employees who are brave enough to leave and start a business of their own. Doing business is what most employees wish for to be able to move away from being corporate slaves. They see this as an opportunity to be able to become their own boss.

Any of the reasons enumerated above can be used in writing a standard resignation letter.

Resignation Letter for a Nurse

E-mail Internship Resignation Letter

Board of Governors Resignation Letter

Student Library Assistant Internship Resignation Letter

Pregnant Resignation Letter Sample

Trainee Resignation Letter

Sample Union Resignation Letter

What Should Be Included in a Resignation Letter?

When writing your resignation letter, it is always best that you know what information should be included in it. Since this is your formal way of telling your employer about your plan to leave the company, you need to make sure that it is complete. How do you know that your resignation letter is complete? Here is a list of the things that you should include in your resignation letter to make sure that it is perfect.

  • The name, address, and designation of the employee
  • The date when the letter is tendered
  • The name, address, and designation of the manager or employer
  • The name of the company where the employee works
  • The name of the company or business
  • A generic or polite greeting
  • The reason or a short explanation on why the employee is leaving
  • The effective date when the separation will take effect
  • Contact number and other contact details of the employee
  • A brief thank-you message for the manager or the employer
  • The name, date, and signature of the employee

You may check our resignation letter templates to see other things that you want to get included in your resignation letter.

Who Should Your Resignation Letter Be Addressed To?

It is important that a resignation letter be addressed to the correct person or authority. Take time to do research on who you should address the letter. Most of the time, the name of the person you are looking for is just written in the employee manual. It’s just that not all of us really read the manual, so we end up not knowing. If there are none written in the manual, then your resignation letter should be addressed to the person who hired you. These are the things that should be done ideally so that one’s resignation letter can be addressed to the correct person. However, this is not really what is being practiced now. Most employees would address and turn their resignation letter to their supervisors or managers. The manger will be responsible for forwarding it to the human resources department.

Since the process really varies from one company to the other, the safest and most effective way to be able to know to whom your resignation letter be addressed to is to ask. It’s the easiest and most convenient way to know the correct person to address.

Free Sample Letter of Resignation

Attorney General Resignation Letter Sample

Employee Resignation Letter with 30-Day Notice

Resignation Letter as Director

General Resignation Letter Template

Professional Resignation Letter Sample

Two Weeks Resignation Letter Template in PDF

Short Resignation Letter Example

How to Write a Resignation Letter

If you have never written a resignation letter in your entire life, then the first time will always be the hardest. It just seems like you have a lot to learn and everything you try to do is wrong. Writing a resignation letter or any kind of letter is not as hard as it seems. You don’t think so? Why not try checking out some of the samples attached in this article to give you an idea on how it should look like and what should be in it.

  • Resignation letters are always formal letters, so you should use a formal letter format, specifically a resignation letter format, when writing one.
  • Write down a draft of the things you need to include in the letter as well as the composition of what you want to say to your manager or boss.
  • Make sure that you know the name, designation, and address of the person to whom you will be addressing your resignation letter to.
  • Traditionally, resignation letters are handwritten, but since the emergence of computers, it has been computerized. Handwritten ones are still accepted provided that it is written neatly.
  • A lot of people would use a short-sized bond paper for their resignation letters. There are companies who require that a specific paper size be used for the resignation letter. It would be best to ask if one’s company have special instructions on what to do and add in a resignation letter.
  • Start your letter with a polite greeting or a generic greeting addressing the correct person.
  • In your first paragraph, tell the company or your employer that you are resigning, including the effective date.
  • In the next paragraph, explain to them the very reason why you are resigning. You can write as many details or as few as you like depending on how much you want to tell them.
  • Include words of appreciation about how thankful you are for being able to work with them. It could be a simple thank-you or you can write a brief paragraph about how you feel while working under their care.
  • Offer any help that you can do for them while you are in transition or during the length of the notice period you have provided.
  • Provide your contact details and contact preferences in case they need to call you about something or work-related matters.
  • Close your letter with an appropriate closing greeting.
  • Make sure to write down your name and affix your signature at the end of your letter.

Political Party Membership Resignation Letter

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Voluntary Resignation Letter Sample

Faculty Resignation Letter Example

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Faculty Immediate Resignation Letter in Doc

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Effective Tips in Writing a Resignation Letter

Now that you know how a resignation letter is written, you should now be able to write one on your own. To further help you improve on your writing and make sure that your letter is as effective as you want it to be, we have prepared here some tips that will definitely help you. Use these steps below to make sure that your resignation letter will be effective.

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  • If you are not sure about the resignation letter you are writing, ask help. There is nothing wrong with asking help. You can ask a friend who is good with writing letters or a coworker who has tried writing a resignation letter before.
  • Make changes or revise your resignation letter if you need to. As long as it is for the best, any change should be good.
  • Use a standard template for the resignation letter that you will be writing. Making a fancy and elegant resignation letter is not really necessary. What’s important is it is written using a standard template or a formal letter format.
  • No matter how bad you feel about the company, always practice being polite with them, especially when it comes to writing your resignation letter. Leaving a good impression and a good track record with them might not be useful for you now, but you might need their good recommendation in the future. Also, being polite is one way for you to show that you are a professional and you act like one.
  • Use the same font size and font style throughout your letter. Always be consistent with the type of font you will be using in your letter as that is very important when it comes to formal letters.
  • The margin size of your letter should be the same size for all four sides of your letter. This is done so that your letter will have a framed and professional look to it. Also make sure that your margin is invisible so that it won’t be printed on your final copy.
  • Use a nice and clean paper to print your resignation letter. It should come out clean and presentable.
  • Always do a spelling check and a grammar check after each revision of your resignation letter. You don’t want to embarrass yourself by submitting a very erroneous letter. Some employers won’t even accept resignation letters containing such errors. That is why you should check it carefully.
  • After making all the necessary checks, fold the letter appropriately, put it in a white envelope, and seal it. Some employees would just fold their letters and hand it to their manager or employer.
  • The preferable way of submitting one’s resignation letter is by doing it personally. Your employer or manager would appreciate it if you submit your resignation letter in person. This way they can talk to you after they have read your letter, ask you a few questions about why you are leaving, or even ask you to reconsider your decision.

Free Letter Template Pdf Form

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