Active1 year, 6 months ago

For nullmodem: server, rxdelay, txdelay, telnet, usedtr, transparent, port, inhsocket (all optional). Defaults: serial1=dummy serial2=dummy serial3=disabled serial4=disabled An example of how to configure an actual serial port for I/O use: serial1=directserial realport:com1 Retrieved from '

Using my Dell Latitude laptop with a docking station that has a physical serial port as COM 1. I can sucessfully run the program using DOSBox and communicate to the device every time under both Windows 7 and Windows 10 using that physical COM port. However I am trying to get a USB - Serial adapter working. You can use this to capture any data sent and received through any Windows COM port. If DosBOX is sending something to serial ports then it has to go through the Windows serial driver and the data. In order to allow DOSBox to use the serial ports of the computer you need to change the settings. I do this in the conf file to have it in one location serial # serial1-4 - set type of device connected to com port.

I'm looking for a version of dosbox with print supportI saw the answers to this question Using a printer in Dosbox but I didn't manage to make it work


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6 Answers

You should be able to use printing with a correctly configured SVN-Daum version of DOSBox from

Here's the relevant parts of a correct configuration file to print from Windows 8.1, assuming you want to print to a USB (using the print dialog) and not an actual LPT dot-matrix printer.

Now you can print using the Windows print dialogue. Personally, I print from DOS to PrimoPDF and then printing once I see the outputted PDF.

One thing that messed me up is the fact that multipage=true means that you will be stuck 'Spooling' in Windows until you hit the DOSBox 'print now' hotkey CTRL+F2. You can fix this problem by using a sufficient timeout. You will need this timeout to exceed the number of milliseconds that you will have between each page printed from your program. I have mine set to 10000ms (10 seconds).

By the way, you set the printer on the SVN-DAUM DOSBox one time using the Windows print dialog box. Then it's the default printer and you won't be prompted by the print dialog again. The default printer resets when you restart DOSBox (Ctrl-Alt-Home).

Derek R. AustinDerek R. Austin

Try using DOSBox Megabuild 6

For printing to local printer try these settings in DOSBox.conf

It works on my Windows 7 Ultimate x64


Use the Windows program Printfile.

On startup, run the program

This will cause the program Printfile to stay resident and watchthe directory C:SPOOL (you need to create this directory), andany file that is written to this directory will be sent to theprinter.

Note: after the file is printed it is erased.

Then, in your DOS programs, replace any print or writeln(lst, )statements with writing to the file C:SPOOLTRASH.PCL or TRASH.TXT(the name of the file is not important - I call mine 'trash')and after you close the file Printfile will send the fileto the printer.

I find it works as well as printing to LPT1 in Windows XP. (I am sorry to see it go).

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Robert PowersRobert Powers

On the DOSBOX support wiki it says that printing is not currently supported. See:

You don't say which operating system you are using. If you're using Windows, you can use CMD.EXE where TheCompWiz's suggestion will work. That will even work with a USB printer (if it supports text printing, i.e. uses PCL as its language) as long as it's mapped to LPT1. And, if you use DOSPRN, you can even print to low-cost USB inkjets. DOSPRN is at

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(that's a CtrlL not the ^ (caret) and an L)

That should print Hello world! and spit the page out on the printer attached to LPT1. As far as printing to USB printers… forget it. With networked printers using windows networking shares, you can 'capture' the printer to a port (LPT1-3) and follow the same/similar syntax.

The dosbox default build does not include any support for parallel ports. There are 3rd party builds with these features added. One such can be found here:

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This is the answer that worked for me, adapted from

  1. Download the Mega Build of DosBox at
  2. After installing, click 'Edit Configuration' under Start Menu -> DosBox
  3. Search for 'print' and change the docpath to your desired directory on your computer (not necessarily the directory you mount to in DosBox). For me, I changed it to (not sure if backslashes matter vs. forward slashes, but it is DOS, so it's possible): c:usersmynamedesktop
  4. Scrolled down further, changed parallel1 to read net use LPT1: 'yourprintserveryour printer name' /persistent:yes (my printer name had spaces in it, so I needed quotes around the path).
  5. Run DosBox as usual and it should work.

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Active5 years, 11 months ago

I'm trying to find a way to run an old Dos based application that uses a printer connected to the parallel port, I don't think Dosbox supports lpt.

Dosbox Usb Serial Adapter

I am interested both in using that printer and in trying to emulate the printer somehow and connect a USB based printer.

Sathyajith Bhat
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migrated from stackoverflow.comJan 17 '10 at 6:57

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4 Answers

You can use one of the patched/forked versions of DOSBox that support printing. There are a few.

One I've recently started using is Taewoong's enhanced 'ykhwong' version (as of writing, it was last updated Oct. 12. 2011):

Included Patches:

Direct3D with pixelshaders, OpenglHQ, Innovation, Glide, zip/7z mount, Beep, NE2000 Ethernet, Graphis user interface (menu), Save/Load states, Vertical sync, CPU flags optimization, Various DOS commands (PROMPT VOL, LABEL, MOUSE, etc) and CONFIG.SYS commands (DEVICE, BUFFERS, FILES, etc), Continuous turbo key, Core-switch key, Show details (from menu bar), Nice DOSBox icon, Font patch (cp437), MAKEIMG command, INTRO, Ctrl-break patch, DBCS support patch, Automatic mount, Printer output, MT-32 emulation (MUNT), MP3CUE, Overscan border, Stereo-swap, SDL_Resize, MemSize128, Internal 3dfx voodoo chip emulation, Amstrad & PS/1 sound emulation, Fluidsynth soundfont support, Timidity++ backend support, CGA w/ Monochrome Monitor Support, Improve PC Speaker emulation accuracy patch, etc.

It allows redirecting LPT1 (through LPT3) to an actual LPT port, a printer file (.prn), or to the virtual printer. The valid options in the Parallel/Dongle dialog are reallpt, printer, file and disabled.

If you set it up to send to the virtual printer, it can 'print' to a graphic file (.PNG, .BMP, .PS), or to a Windows printer on the host (it pops up Windows a print dialog):

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I somehow doubt that proper emulation of the parallel port was a priority for the DosBox devs.

Id did find this patch someone wrote in 2006:

which links to what is apparently a DosBox fork support forum?

Depending on how bad you want this, honestly, your best option might be getting older hardware and running DOS natively on it.

Alternately you might try running it in a true virtual machine like VirtualBox, VMWare, Xen, Virtual PC, etc.

Jeff AtwoodJeff Atwood
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Use WinPrint for this:

Takes standard printer output produced by a DOS application, and forwards it to a default Windows printer. Converts code page, strips empty pages, supports BOX DRAWINGS chars. Works on all Windows platforms. Written in Borland DELPHI.

It's specifically designed to help you print from old DOS programs onto new, USB connected printers.

15.6k7 gold badges49 silver badges74 bronze badges

DOSBOX MegaBuild from here :

Edit config file DOSBOX Megabuild like this Nero platinum reviews.

Change to

Port capturing:

And you can print on USB Printer in Windows 7 64bit (and any other I think - without any printfil programs).

Dosbox Use Serial Port On Computer

Dosbox serial port settingsDave

Dosbox Errors

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Dosbox Use Serial Port Dev Ttys0 For Console Io


Ps/2 Port

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